Index 1071
hierarchy panel 3–773
commands 2–487
IK 2–491
link info rollouts 2–499
pivot 2–487
hierarchy right-click menu (Track View) 2–516
hierarchy window (Track View)
placing selec ted objects 2–588
selecting by name 2–589
high dy namic r ange images 3–613, 3–621
high-resolution rendering 3–197
anisotropic 2–1492
Blinn 2–1493
metal 2–1 494
multi-layer 2–1495
Oren-Nayar-Blinn 2–1493
Phong 2–1493
specular color 3–1014
hinge constraint 2–747
hinge polygons from e dge dialog 1–1073
history list 3–390, 3–502, 3–641
history-dependent IK solver 2–440
history-independent IK solver 2–440, 2–446
hold (edit menu) 1–95
home grid 1–23
glossary 3–952
settings 2–49
using 2–4
views based on the world coordinate axes 1 –23
hopping (dynamics of) 2–878
horizon (glossary) 3–953
horizontal (move key) 2–579
horizontal bezier handle control 2–582
horizontal text in vertical toolbar 3–815
hose 1–206
hosts file 3–124
hot (glossary) 3–953
hot keys 1–900, 2–140, 2–510, 2–1006, 2–1111, 2–1182,
hotspot 2–1338, 3–752, 3–954
how many 2–992, 2–995, 2–997
how to (NURBS )
fix objects 1–1098
improve performance 1–1099
make things 1–1094
how tos 2–1264
HSDS modifier 1–576 to 1–577, 1–701, 1–70 6
HSV (glossary) 3–1001
HTML help viewer
favor ites tab 3–878
keyboard shortcuts 3–879
right-click menus 3–879
searching in 3–876
toolbar 3–878
using 3–874
exporting 3–578
importing 3–576
hue/saturation/value (glossary) 3–1001
i-drop Indicator 3–523
IAM files
importing 3–552
ICB targa files (glossary) 3–633
color scheme 3–806
path for additional 3–813
reactor 2–707
materia l ID channel 2–1443
IES 2 –1328
IES sky 2–1312
IES sun 2–1309
IFL files 3–616
and view file command 3–5, 3–502
IFL manager utility 3–619
image file list control dialog 3–618
and NURBS sur faces 3–558
export/import log file 3–560, 3–562
exporting to 3–563
file translation 3–558
glossary 3–954
history 3–558
IGES import dialog 3–560
import table to 3ds Max 3–561
log files 3–560
overview 3–558
temporary files 3– 560
ignore animation range 2–549
ignore backfacing 1–996, 1–10 11, 1–1019
and control objects 2–435
and set key 2–281
animating with interactive IK 2–480
IK joints 2–437
IK solution (glossary) 3–955
overlapping chains 2–446
preferences 3–830
IK blend 2–959, 3–954
IK constraints 2–900, 2–902
IK limb solver 2–440, 2–472
IK object 2–954
IK only option 2–980