1074 Index
dynamics of 2–878
parameters 2–861
KBD files 3–793, 3–804
keep apart operator 2–172
key filters 2–590, 3–718
key info
Bezier controllers 2–310
key info rollouts 2–304, 2–306
master track key info dialog 2–391
key info rollout 2–954
key interpolation 2–833
key mo de 3–724
key modes (links) 2430
key reduction
settings 2–1070
using motion-capture filtering 2–1061
key tangents toolbar 2–535
key tools toolbar 2–535
keyable icons 2– 531
additional commands 3–669
creating primit ives from 1–169
keyboa rd entry rollout 1–169
keyboard panel (customize UI) 3–793
keyboard shortcuts 1–900, 2–140, 2–510, 2–1006, 2–1111,
2–1182, 3–793, 3–871
HTML help viewer 3–879
override toggle 3–872
keyframe interpolation 2–305
keyframe mode 3–717
glossary 3–960
keyframe vertices constraint 2–797
adapting to edits 2–871
adjusting with in place mode 2–930
the biped 2–833
keyframing tools 2–962
adding 2–560
aligning 2–556
colors in Biped 2–947, 2–1005
create out of range 2–533
create out-of-range 2–562
default tangent types 3–721
delete 2–502, 2–554
editing 2–554
glossary 3–960
interpolating 2–305
key mo de 3–724
key properties (track bar) 3–703
key statistics (Tr ack View) 2–595
key time display (Track View) 2–594
master track 2–346
moving 2–558, 2–579
moving a group of 2–558
moving horizontal and vertical ( Track View) 2–579
randomize 2–533
randomize utility 2–562
reducing 2–572
select 2–502
select by time 2–533, 2–563
soft selection manager 2–533
keys (setting) 2–904
keys menu
Track View 2–524
keys windows (Track View) 2–504
kinematic chains 2–437, 3–960
kink parameters rollout
hair and fur modifier 1–542
knot (glossary) 3–961
Kodak Cineon 3–610
L-Ext 1–198
L-Extrusion 1–198
l-type stair 1–232
landXML importer 3–571
landXML/DEM model import dialog 3–571
Large BSP method 3–129
lasso selection region 1–90
lateral ratio 2–622
lathe modifier 1–707
lathe surface (NURBS) 1–1190
lattice modifier 1–709
lattice parameters rollout 2–1242
launch script (g lossary) 3–961
lay er controller dialog 2–325
layer defaults 3–815
layer list 3–666
layer manager 3–656
layer properties 2 –333
lay er properties dialog 3–662
layer track 2–607
layers 1–117, 2–974, 3–655, 3–961
AutoCAD and 3ds Max 3–438
excluding in file linking 3–438
from AutoCAD 3–421
from Revit 3–421
glossary 3–961
including in file linking 3–438
layer event (video post) 3–337
layer list button 3–666
layer manager 3–656