Index 1075
layer properties dialog 3–662
select dialog 3–438
layers toolbar 3–688
add selection to current layer 3–667
create new layer 3–667
select objects in current layer 3–667
set current layer to selection’s layer 3–667
layout (viewports) 1–26, 3–856
layout menu (Schematic V iew) 3–643
layout mode
glossary 3–961
leg link 2–984
leg states 2–867
legacy DWG import 3–547
length 2–990
transition editor 2–1051
lens effects 3–223
auto secondary 3–238
blur 3–260
brightness and contrast 3–265
color balance 3–265
depth of field 3–269
file output 3–266
film grain effect 3–268
glow 3–226
gradients 3–377
manual secondary 3–242
ray 3–234
ring 3–230
star 3–246
streak 3–250
lens effects (video post)
animating properties 3–349
automatic secondar y flare p arameters 3–356
flare 3–350
flare g low parameters 3–355
flare inferno parameters 3–360
flare preferences 3–353
flare ray parameters 3–358
flare ri ng parameters 3–355
flare star parameters 3–359
flare streak parameters 3–360
focus 3–362
glow 3–364
glow inferno 3–368
glow preferences 3–367
glow properties 3–365
gradient colors 3–381
gradient options 3–378
gradient types 3–379
highlight 3–370
highlight geometr y 3–374
highlight preferences 3–376
highlight properties 3–371
manual secondary flare parameters 3–357
lens effects filters (video post) 3–345
lens size (c ameras) 2–1373
level of detail
utility 1–1253
VRML97 helpers (LOD) 3–602
lift 2–936, 2–965, 3–962
leg state 2–867
lift dynamics 2–878
light distribution
diffuse 2–1323
isotropic 2–1323
spotlight 2–1324
web 2–1325
light include/exclude tool 2–1283
light lister 2–1285
light map 3–962
light painting rollout (radiosity) 3–70
light parameters
mental ray indirect illumination rollout 2–1343
mental ray li ght shader rollout 2–1345
light shader rollout 2–1345
light shaders
mental ray 2–1345
light tracer 3–44 to 3–45
light viewports 1–24, 1–33, 3–750
exclude/include dialog 2–1335
general parameters 2–1331
guidelines 2–1280
hair and fur 1–519, 3–220
in 3ds Max 2–1279
lighting analysis 3–76, 3–300, 3–628
lighting analysis dialog 3–76
lighting data exporter utility 3–303
lighting exclusion 2–121
lighting map (baking) 3–148
lighting parameters rollout 3–141
lighting texture element rollout 3–141
lightmap shader 2–1614
lights 2–1272, 2–1301
add default lights to scene 1–49
advanced effects rollout 2–1341
and atmospheres 2–1351
and effects 2–1351
and materials 2–1399
and shading 2–1399
and shadows 2–1279
animating 2–1282
atmospheres and effects for 2–1349
dolly 3–751
free area 2–1309