mental ray Contour Shading 97
Model rendered without contours
Model with contours added to the rendering
Simple contour shader
You add contour rendering by assi gning one of
the contour shaders to the Contour component
of a material. (This component is found on the
mental ray Connection rollout (page 2–1461) and
on the mental ray material’s Advanced Shaders
rollout (page 2–1548)). Then when you render, use
the Camera Effects rollout (page 3–101) to enable
On the Camera Effects rollout, addit ional shaders
can modify the contours, or control how they are
rendered. For example, if you assign a C ontour
Only shader to the Contour Output component,
the rendering consists of just the contours, and not
the shaded model.
Contours Only output shader, background set to white
Note: Contour shading does not work with
distributed bucket rendering.
To add contours to a mental r ay rendering:
Choose Customize > Preferences. Go to the
mental ray panel, and turn on Enable Mental
Ray Ex tensions.
2. On the Render toolbar, click Render
If the active renderer is not already the mental
ray renderer, go to the Common panel, and
on the Assign Renderer rollout, click the “...
button for the Production renderer . A Choose
Renderer dia log is displayed. High light “mental
ray Renderer” in the list, and then click OK.
Leave the Render Scene dialog open, or
minimize it.
3. Open the Material Editor. For the
materials of objects you want to render with
contours, use the mental ray Connection rollout
(page 2–1461) to assign a shader to the Contour