114 Chapter 17: Rendering
Use R adius Interpolation Method—
When on, makes
the remaining controls in this group available.
Also makes the Interpolate Over Num. FG Points
check box unavailable, indicating that these
controls override that sett ing.
Radius—When on, sets the maximum radius
within which final gathering is applied. Reducing
time. If Radii In Pixels is off, the radius is specified
in world units, and defaults to 10 percent of the
maximum circumference of the scene. If Radii In
Pixels is on, default=5.0 pixels.
If both Radii In Pixels and Radius are off, the
maximum radius is the default value of 10 percent
of the maximum scene radius, in world units .
Radii in PixelsWhen on, the radii values are
specifie d in pixels. When off, radii units depend
on the value of the R adius togg le. Default=off.
Min. R adius—When on, sets the m inimum radius
within which final gathering must be used.
Increasing this value can improve render quality
but increase rendering time. Unavailable unless
is on, default=0.5.
Shadows and Displacement
Rollout (mental ray Renderer)
Rendering menu > Render > Render Scene dial og >
Renderer panel > Sh ad ows & D is placement rollout
Main toolbar > Render Scene > Render Scene dialog >
Renderer panel > Sh ad ows & D is placement rollout
Note: The Renderer panel appears o nly when the mental
ray renderer is the cur rently active renderer.
Thecontrolsinthisrolloutaffectshadows (page
3–89) and displacement (page 3–96).
Note: You can disable displacement globally by
turning off Displacement in the Options group on
the Common Parameters rollout (page 3–27).
Interfa ce
Shadows g roup
Enable—When on, the mental ray renderer renders
shadows. When off, no shadows are rendered.
When Enable is off, the other shadow controls are
ModeThe shadow mode can be Simple, Sort, or
Segments. Default=Simple.
SimpleCauses the mental ray renderer to call
shadow shaders in a random order.
Sort—Causes the mental ray renderer to cal l
shadow shaders in order, from the object to
the lig ht. Sort applies to third-par ty, external
shadow shaders (page 3–1009).
Segments—Causes the mental ray renderer to
cal l shadow shaders in order along the light ray
light ray between the object and the light.
Tip: Cho ose Simple for regular shadows, Segments
for volume shadows.
Shadow Ma ps group
These controls specif y a shadow map (page 3–1011)
used to render shadows. When you specify a