Translator Options Rollout (mental ray Renderer) 119
Max. Reflections—
Sets the number of times a ray
can be reflected. At 0, no reflection occurs. At 1,
be reflected twice, and so on. Default=6.
Max. Refractions—Sets the number of times a ray
can be refracted. At 0, no refraction occurs. At 1,
the ray can be refracted once only. At 2, the ra y can
be refracted twice, and so on. Default=6.
Tr ansl ator Opt ions R oll out ( mental
ray Renderer)
Rendering menu > Render > Render Scene dial og >
Processing panel > Translator Options rollout
Main toolbar > Render Scene > Render Scene dialog >
Processing panel > Translator Options rollout
Note: The Processing panel appears only when the
mental ray renderer is the currently active renderer.
Controls in this rollout affect the general operation
of the mental ray renderer. They also control the
mental ray translator, which can save to an MI
file (page 3–972).Thetranslationisinmentalray
version 3 (m i3) format. The translator do es not
support mental ray version 1 (mi1).
See also
Distributed Bucket Rendering Rollout (mental ray
Renderer) (page 3–124)
Pr ocedur es
To save the mental ray r enderer settings:
When you have a set of rendering settings you
want to keep, go to the Render Scene dialog >
Processing panel > Process O ptions rollout. In
the Configuration group, click Sa ve As Defaults.
To create a rendering from multiple passes:
Use the Render Type (page 3–13) >Selected
option to choose only a portion of the scene
to render .
2. On the Tra nslator Opt ions rollout, in the
Render Passes group, click the ellipsis [...]
button next to Save.
3. ASaveAsdialogisdisplayed.Useittoentera
name and location for the PASS file.
4. Click Render.
The partial rendering is saved in the PASS file
you specified.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have
generated all the passes for the rendering (or all
the passes but the last).
Wa rn in g : If your scene includes an e nvironment,
render it only in the final pass. Rendering the
environment in multiple passes is time consuming,
and can lead to artifacts such as unwanted color
changes to the background. Render all passes b ut
the last one using a default black background.
In the Render Passes group, click Add to add
the various pass files to the list.
7. Turn on Merge.
At this point, you might also want to turn off
Save, unless you want the final result to be saved
8. Click Render.
The rendering consists of all the passes merged
into one.
Tip: For some purposes, you might want to create
the passes, then create a new 3ds Max scene with
no objects, set the rendering resolution to match
the passes, you created, then merge the passes as