Distributed Bucket Rendering Rollout (mental ray Renderer) 125
where <X> is the current 3ds Max version number.
You can use the 3ds Max installation program to
install these files: see the Installation Guide for
more information.
In addition, information about each satellite
should be stored in the RAYHOSTS file (page
3–1001). You can set up satellite systems by
Rendering rollout, as described in the “Inter face
section, below.
Host Systems with SP M Licenses
When you use mental ray SPM licenses, remote
hosts (that is, all systems other than the one
renderer (ray.exe) and a m ental ray SPM license
server r unning . To obtain this, you must run
the mental ray insta ller on al l remote hosts,
then configur e and run the SPM license server.
Instructions about how to do so are provided with
the mental ray renderer sold by mental images.
run a licensed instance of ray.exe, you can use
them for distributed rendering simply by naming
them in the RAYHOSTS file (page 3–1001).You
can add hosts to the RAYHOSTS file using the Add
button described in the “Interface section, below,
just as you would add a satellite processor.
Batch Rendering (Using Backburner or
the Command Line)
You can launch distr ibuted bucket rendering from
the command line, using 3dsmaxcmd.exe.
If you use satellite processors, you cannot
use Backburner to manage dist ributed bucket
rendering. When host processors have SPM
licenses, you can use B ackburner to manage
distributed bucket rendering.
You can use the environment variable
whether batch rendering uses distributed bucket
render ing. The state of this variable overrides the
“DBR enable flag. If it is set to yes, “true, or
“on, distributed bucket rendering is enabled; if it
is set to “no, “false, or “off, distributed bucket
rendering is disabled. All other values of this
variable are ignored.
See also
Translator Options Rollout (mental ray Renderer)
(page 3–119)
To use mental ray distr ibuted rendering:
On the Render Scene dialog, go to the
Processing panel. On the Distr ibuted Bucket
Rendering rollout, turn on Distributed Render.
Note: The Net Render option on the Common
Parameters rollout has no effect on distributed
bucket rendering.
2. Click to select the names of those satellite or
host systems you want to use for distr ibuted
You can click All to select all the host names in
the list, or None to select none of the hosts.
3. If other host systems have m aps insta lled on
them, with exactly the same fi le names and
Distributed Maps.
With Distributed Maps turned on, remote
renderers can use their local copy of maps,
which saves time.
4. Render the scene.
Each system renders the buckets assig n ed
to it. The final rendering appears on your