Lighting Texture Element Rollout 141
Light ing Tex tur e E lement R oll out
Main toolbar > Render Scene button > Render Scene
dialog > Render Elements panel > Render Elements
Lighting element to the elements list (or select an existing
Lighting element in the list).
Rendering menu > Render > Render Scene dial og >
Render Elements panel > Render Elements rollout > Add
button > R ender Elements dialog > Add Lighting element
to the elements list (or select an existing Lighting element
in the list).
The lighting element contains the effects of lighting
within the scene, incl uding color, shadows, direct
and indirect lig ht.
This rollout lets you determine which parts of the
lighting are included in the rendering .
Inter face
Direct Li ght On— When on, the render element
includes information from any direct lights in the
scene. The light’s color and projection map should
Note: The final color for direct lighting takes
surface normals into consideration.
Indirect Light On— When on, the render element
includes information from ambient or bounced
lighting in the scene.
Note: When using radiosity, you should expect
things such as color bleed.
Shadows On— When on, the render element
includes shadows.
Ma tte Textur e E lement R oll out
Main toolbar > Render Scene button > Render Scene
dialog > Render Elements panel > R ender Elements
rollout > Add button > Render Elements dialog > Add
Matte element to the elements list (or select an existing
Matte element in the list).
Rendering menu > Render > Render Scene dialog >
Render Elements panel > Render Elements rollout > Add
button > Render Elements dia log > Add Mat te elemen t
to the elements list (or select an existing Matte element
in the list).
The Matte render element displays a matte mask
for a selected object, material effects channel (effect
ID) (page 2–1443),orG-Buffer ID (page 3–946).
Each matching element is represented with a white
pixel on the mask.
For more info on matte behavior, see Matte Object
(page 3–971).
Wa rn in g : The Matte render element does not work
when the mental ray material is applied to objects.
Interfa ce
Effect ID— Sets the material effects channel (page
2–1443) to include in the Matte render element.
G-Buf fer ID—Sets the G-Buffer ID (page 3–946) to
Include— Opens the Exclude/Include dialog (page
2–1335), where you can select objects in the scene
When including, a ll selected objects are rendered
with white pixels.
When excluding,allpixelsarewhite,bydefault.
Selected objects are rendered as black pixels.