200 Chapter 17: Rendering
Wait for M AX to Unload—
When a job is complete,
the manager tells the server to unload the software,
then waits for a reply from the server saying
3ds Max is down and it’s ready for a new job. This
spinner specifies the amount of time the Manager
will wait for the Server to reply to this notification.
If a server exceeds the specified value, it is flagged
as "failed" by the manager, and no more frames
are sent to it.
Connection to Manager group
Use t his setting to specify the Manager for this job.
TCP Por t Number Specifies the port number of the
Manager to which this job is to report.
Submit Job As radio button—Specifies which
platform your scene is rendered on. Use this
button when you want to render your scene on
a different platform (either 32- or 64-bit) from
the platform where you created your scene. This
is particularly useful in situations where you are
working on a given platfor m w hich differs from the
platform of the render farm. The most consistent
results are achieved when you submit jobs are
creat ed and rendered on the same platform.
Note: This is an advanced option provided to
accommodate specific render farm configurations.
platform that avoids rendering to platforms where
data-loss may result.
Server Assignment Limit
Enable Limit—Sets the maximum number of
servers that wil l be allocated for a specific job.
This limit can be overridden with the Use Server
Limit field in the G
eneral Properties, so that the
administrator of a render farm can control job
sharing globally. See
MAX ser ver countSpecifies t he number of servers.
Job Handling group
Enable Task B lock ing—Allows the job to override
will have their frames processed more efficiently if
task blocking is turned off. Default=on.
Override Global S ettings—This switch lets you
over ride job archiving settings made in t he
Backburner Manager General Properties dialog.
(See G
eneral Properties.) It lets you set the
When Override Global Settings is turned on,
the following three switches become a ctive.
Note: AnysettingmadewhileOverrideGlobal
Settings is turned on, remains active from one
3ds Max session to t he next. For example, if you
choose to leave jobs in the queue, submit the job
and exit 3ds Max, the sett ing will be active when
you choose to submit jobs in the future.
Leav e It I n T h e Q ueu e—This switch tells the
network manager to leave the job in the queue
without deleting it or archiving it.
job that might need to be re-rendered at a higher
resolution without making an y other changes to
the scene.
Archive I t—When tur ned on, the job is archived
when the rendering is complete. Default=on.
of the scene and you know that there wont be any
more changes to the scene. Before submitting the
job, you set the job to archive upon completion.
Delete It Upon completion, the job is deleted
from the queue when this switch is turned on.
If the scene you’re network rendering is just a test
shot and you’re just doing a quick test of the scene,
you don’t really want to keep the job in the queue
once it’s completed. Before submitting the job,
turn on this switch.