Radial Falloff Dialog (Lens E ffects) 257
direction, move only in the horizontal direction,
or mov e only in the vertical direction. The Move
function remains active until you click another
button. The button is yellow while it is active.
Scale Point—Vert ically scales a point up or down.
Click once to enable Scale Point. The Scale Point
function remains active until you click another
button. The button is yellow while it is active.
Add Point—Allows you to add points anywhere
along the Radial Densit y curve. Click and hold the
Add Point button to displa y the flyout where you
can select a button to add either a Corner Point
or a Bezier Point. Click once to enable Add Point.
The Add Point function remains act ive until you
click another button. The button is yellow while
it is active.
Delete Point—Deletes selected points.
Hori zontal Position—Allows you to manually enter
a horizontal position value for a selected point.
Vertical Position—Allows you to manually enter a
vertical position value for a selected point.
Pan—Allows you to click and drag the Radial
Density dialog window to move it left and rig ht or
up and down. Click once to enable panning . Pan
remains active until you click another button. The
button is yello w while it is active.
Zoom E x tents—Fits the curve within t he dialog
window both vertically and horizontally so that
Zoom Hor izontal Ex tents—Fits the curve
horizontally within the dialog window so that the
full length of the c urve is visible.
Zoom Vert ical Extents—Fits the curve vertically
within the Radial Density dialog window so that
Zoom Hor izontal ly Scales the width of the Radial
Density dialog window.
Zoom Ver tica lly—Scales the length of the Radial
Densit y dialog w indow.
ZoomZooms in and out of the entire Radial
Densit y dialog w indow.
Zoom R e gion—Allows you to drag a region in
the Radial Density dialog window and scale that
region to fill the window.
R adial Falloff Dia log (Lens Effects)
Rendering menu > Effects > Environment and Effects
dialog > Effects panel > Add > Add Effect dialog > Lens
Effects > Choose any effect, and click the (>) arrow
button. > Parameters tab of the rollout for that e ffect >
Falloff Curve (under the Radial Color group)
The Radial Falloff dialog allows you to add weight
to a particular color applied to your Lens Effect.
By weighting the colors that you apply you can
choose to display more of one color than another.
You can also make the transition of colors gradual
from one color to the next or you can create a
sharp e dge to the transition.