Radial Size Dialog (Lens Effects) 259
active until you click another button. The button
is yellow while it is active.
Zoom E x tents—Fits the curve within t he dialog
window both vertically and horizontally so that
Zoom Hor izontal Ex tents—Fits the curve
horizontally within the dialog window so that the
full length of the c urve is visible.
Zoom Vert ical Extents—Fits the curve vertically
within the Radial Falloff graph s o that the f u ll
height of the curve is v isible.
Zoom Hor izontal ly Scales the width of the Radial
Falloff graph.
Zoom Ver tica lly—Scales the length of the Radial
Falloff graph.
Zoom—Zooms in and out of the entire Radial
Falloff graph.
Zoom R egion—Allows you to drag a region in the
Radial Falloff graph and scale that region to fill the
Radial Size Dialog (Lens Effects)
Rend ering menu > Effects > Environment and Effects
dialog > Effects panel > Add > Add Effect dialog > Lens
Effects > Choose any effect, and click the (>) arrow
button. > Parameters ta b of the rollout for that effect >
Falloff Cur ve (under the Radial Size group)
determine the size of your Lens Effect. The Radial
Size dialog displays a cur ve with a point on each
end which represents the Radial Size of your Lens
Effect. The default position of t he curve is one
which means the Lens Effect will have the same
radius around the center of the effect.
Objects with different Radial Sizes settings applied to Glow
By adding and moving points along the curve
you can make areas of the effect extend further
graph. You can also diminish areas of the effect
by moving a point between one and zero on the
graph. Finally, you can eliminate areas of the effect
by moving a point below zero on the graph.
Buttons are available at the bottom of the dialog
that allow you to change the display of the dialog.
You can also manually enter a horizontal or vertical
position by entering a value in the two entry boxes.