Blur Rendering Effect 261
Object before and after adding midrange Blur effect.
Inter face
Blur Parameters rollout, Blur Type pane l
Unifor m—Applies the Blur effect evenly across the
entire rendered image.
Pixel R adius—DeterminestheintensityoftheBlur
effect. Increasing the value increases the number
of surrounding pixels that each pixel will use to
compute its blur. The more pixels used means a
Affect Alpha—Applies the Uniform Blur effect to
the alpha channel when turned on.
Directional—Applies the Blur effect i n any direction
according to the Directional parameters. The U
Pixel Radius and Trail blur the pixels horizontally
while the V Pixel Radius and Trail blur the pixels
vertically. R ota tion is used to rotate the axis of the
horizontal and vertical blurring.
UPixelRadiusDetermines the horizontal
intensity of the Blur effect. Increasing the value
increases the number of surrounding pixels that
pixels used means a greater horizontal blur for the
U Trail—Adds “direction to your blur by weighting
more blur to either side of the U axis. This adds a
streaking effect and creates the illusion that your
objects or your camera are rapidly moving in a
part icular direction.
VPixelRadiusDeterm ines the vertical intensit y
of the Blur effect. Increasing the value increases
the number of surrounding pixels that each pixel
will use to compute its blur, and creates a greater
vertical blur for the image.
V Trail—Adds“direction”toyourblurbyweighting
more blur to either side of the V axis. T his adds a
streaking effect and creates the illusion that your
objects or your camera are rapidly moving in a
part icular direction.
Rotation—Rotates the axis of the U and V pixels
that will be blurred by the U and V Pixel Radius
spinners. By using Rotation with the U and V
Pixel Radius spinners you can have the Blur effect
applied to any direction in your rendered image.
When rotation is 0,Ucorrespondstotheimages
X axis and V corresponds to the image’s Y axis.
Affect Al pha—Applies the Directional Blur effect to
the Alpha channel when turned on.
Radial—Applies the Blur effect radially . U sing
the Radial parameters you can define a point
w ithin your rendered image to use as the center
of the Radial Blur. You can use an object as the