Brightness and Contrast Rendering Effect 265
brightening provides a soft highlight to the Blur
B ri ghten Cur v e—Lets you edit the brig htening
curve in the Feather Falloff curve graph.
Blend CurveLets you edit the blend curve in the
Feather Falloff curve graph.
Brightness and Contrast
Rendering Effect
Rend ering menu > Effects > Environment and Effects
dialog > Effects panel > Add > Add Effect dialog >
Brightness and Contrast
Above: Original rendering is too dark.
Below: Increasing both brightness and contrast improves
clarity of the rendering.
Brightness and C ontrast allows you to adjust the
contrastandbrightnessofanimage. Thiscan
be used to match rendered scene objects with
background images or animations.
Inter face
The Brightness and Contrast Parameters rollout
contains the following parameters.
Br ightness—Increases or decreases al l color
components (red, green, and blue). Range=0 to
Co ntrast—C ompresses or exp ands the latitude
between m aximum black and maximum white.
Range=0 to 1.0.
Ignore Background—Applies the effect to
everything i n your 3ds Max scene except the
Colo r Bal a nce R enderi ng E f fect
Rendering menu > Effects > Environment and Effects
The Color Balance Effect allows you to manipulate
additive/subtractive color tinting through
independent control of RGB channels.