Animating Lens Effects Properties 349
When on, the starfield uses motion blur.
When off, the stars appear as dots, no matter what
the camera’s motion.
the camera "shutter" is open. Default = 7 5%.
Dimming—Determines how the streaked stars will
dim as their trails lengthen. The default of 40
provides a good effect for video, dimming them a
bit so they don’t appear to flash.
Star Database group
RandomGenerates the number of stars
indicated by the Count spinner, using the
random number Seed to initialize the random
number generator.
Seed—Initializes the random number
generator. By using the same Seed value
in different animations, you’re g uaranteed
identical starfields.
Co untSpecifies the number of stars generated
when Random is chosen.
Custom—Reads the file specified. A provided
star database, earth.stb, contains the brightest
stars in Earth’s sky.
Compositing group
Background(The default.) Composites the
stars in the background.
Fore gr ound—Composites the stars in the
Lens E f fects Fil ter s
Animating Lens Ef fects Proper ties
parameters which can be animated while Video
Post remains open. Any parameter with a g reen
arrow button next to it can b e animated.
When the Auto Key button is selected, t he
associated spinner or variable is displayed in Track
View and c an be animated. If it is not selected, the
green button turns gray to indicate the parameter
can no longer be animated.
There are two ways to set Lens Effects parameters
for use in anima tion:
Enable the A uto Key button, set the frame in
which you want to create a key, and set the
Using Tra ck View
Lens Effects dialogs for a particular filter must be
open when you start Track View.
Note: If you open Track View without one of the
Lens Effects dialogs being open, the first Lens
List. If you have more than one Lens Effects object
objects in Track View.
When Track View is open, the Lens Effects filters
left side of the Track View interface. Under each
filter are the parameters which ca n be animated.
These are displayed individually. You can animate
only the p arameters you need to.