Flare Glow Parameters 355
Sq ueeze—
Specifies whether the Squeeze setting
affects a part icular part of the lens flare. This
setting depends on the Squeeze setting in the lens
flare properties.
Inferno—Defines w hether the inferno (page 3–360)
settings are active for this portion of t he lens flare.
Occlus ion—Defines the percentage of the flare part
A v alue of 100 indicates that the whole object will
disappear. Lower settings cause the lens flare to
wrap around the occluding object, making it fade,
look at a cylinder with a bright light behind it,
the l ight makes the cylinder appear thinner at the
brightest areas.
Note: The Occlusion spinners work in conjunct ion
w ith the Occlusion Radius spinner in the top right
of the Preferences panel.
Flare Glow Parameters
Rendering menu > Video Post > Video Post toolbar > Add
Image Filter Event > Choose Lens Effects Flare from Filter
Plug-In list. > Setup > Glow ta b
source object of the flare. The parameters on the
Glow panel let you control each aspect of the glow.
Interfa ce
Size—Specifies the diameter of the glow of the
lens flare as a percentage of the overall size of the
frame. This value is separate from the overall size
value set in the Flare Properties (page 3–350).This
parameter can be animated (page 3–349).
Hue—Specifies the gradation of color for the glow.
Clicking the green arrow button lets you animate
this control. This parameter can be animated.
Hide B ehind G eometr y—Places the glow behind the
geometric forms.
Gra dients—Use radial, circular, transparency,
and size gradients (page 3–377).Glowgradients
are subtler than flare gradients, bec ause they are
Flare Ring Parameters
Rendering menu > Video Post > Video Post toolbar > Add
Plug-In list. > Setu p > Ring tab
The ring is a circular color band that surrounds the
center of the source object. You set ring options on
the Ring panel of the Lens Effects Flare dialog.