378 Chapter 19: Video Post-Production
Click Properties and change any settings you
Inter face
change gradient options (page 3–378),right-click
the g radient bar, not the flags.
name of the flag, its color, and its position.
Name—By default, flags are named Flag #. You can
enter a different name for the current flag. The
arrows to the right of the name box let you choose
Co lorThe Color swatch lets you control the color
or brightness component of the gradient at the
position where the flag is located. Click the color
swatch to display t he color picker and choose a
different color. The green arrow to the left of the
color s watch indicates that this flag parameter can
be animated (page 3–349).
Positi on—Each gradient has 100 possible positions
from left to r ight. The number in the spinner
represents the position of the flag along t he
gradient. Gradients are read from left to right so a
gradient. This flag parameter can be animated.
Gradient Options
Rendering menu > Video Post > Video Post toolbar > Add
Image Filter Event > Choose a Lens Effects Filter from the
Filter Plug-In list. > Setup > Gradient tab
Each gradient in Lens Effects has a set of common
options. Right-clicking the gradient bar displays a
shortcut menu with the following options.
Interfa ce
Reset—Resets the gradient back to its default
parameters. This action cannot be undone.
Load Gradient—Displays a file open dialog in which
you can load a particular gradient. Gradients are
saved with a .dgr extension.
Save Gradient—Displays a file save as dia log where
you specify the path and filename for the gradient.
Loa d UV M a p—Lets you load a bitmap image
and use each row of pixels of the bitmap as an
animated gradient. When a bitmap is loaded into
a gradient control, Lens Effects reads the first 100
pixels across the top row of the image ( for the
100 divisions of its gradient controls) and makes
them t he gradient. With each successive frame,
Lens Effects reads in the next row of pixels as the
gradient. When you scrub the animation slider,
you can see the gradient change over time.
Note: If the animation is longer than the chosen
bitmap is tall, then the bitmap pattern is repeated.