466 Chapter 20: Managing Scenes and Projects
This feature can a lso b e used to reconnect parent
Merge Animation
Select an object, group, or hierarchy > File menu > Merge
Select a character assembly node > M o dify panel >
Character Assembly Rollout > Animation group > Inser t
Merg e Animation merges (transfers) animation
data from one object to another. Animation data
can be transferred from one scene to another, or
between objects in the same scene. Animation
data from several objects can be merged at the
same time.
Within the Merge Animation dialog , objects
eligible for transferring or receiving animation
data are called nodes. Source nodes refer to objects
from which animation data can be transferred,
while current nodes can receive animation data.
Merge nodes aresourcenodesthathavebeen
mapped to (matched up with) current nodes in
the Merge Animation dialog in preparation for
In order for a particular attribute’s animation
data to be transferred from a merge node, the
corresponding current node must have the same
attribute. Forexample,ifamergenodehasan
animated Bend modifier applied to it, the current
node must als o have a Bend modifier applied to it
for the animation data to transfer successfully.
The Merge Animation feature i s ideal for
transferring anim ation data b etween similar
hierarchies, such as character structures. In
character creation, it is a common practice to name
bones for different char acters with the character
name plus a suffix or prefix that describes the
bone. For example, you might hav e one character
called Alien with bones named Alien_Pelvis,
Alien_LeftHand, etc. Another character called
Chef would have bones named Chef_Pelvis,
Chef_LeftHand, etc. The Merge Animation dialog
can automatically filter prefixes and suffixes so
you can quickly map the merge nodes for complex
Note: Ifyouplantomergeanimationdatatoand
from characters, t he process will b e much easier if
you use the same bone-name prefixes or suffixes
for each character .
See also
Merge (page 3–463)
Merging Effects (page 3–220)
Replace (page 3–470)
To replace the animation in the current scene with
the a nimation f rom another scene:
Load the scene that will receive the merged
animation data.
2. Choose File menu > Merge A nimation.
3. In the Merge Animation dialog, click Source
File to choose the file from which to merge
animation data. The objects appear under
Source Nodes in the Object Mapping rollout.
4. On the Object Mapping rollout, drag and drop
matching them with the appropriate current
5. IntheSourceTimeRangegroup,choose
Replace Animation.
6. Specify the source node attributes that will be
7. Click Merge Animation to merge the animation
data f rom the merge nodes to the cur rent no des.