Motion Mapping Parameters Rollout 479
At Frame—The frame at w h ich the incoming
animation is written (Replace) or inserted.
Relative/AbsoluteThese options determine
Relative st arts the loaded motion at the current
values of the selected objects in the scene. Absolute
sets the values of objects in the scene to those of
the incoming motion. For example, when you
load a charac ter animation, Relative starts the
animation from the character’s current position,
the animation was saved. Default=Relative.
M oti on Ma ppi ng Par a meter s
File menu > Load Animation > Open dialog > Edit
File menu > Load Animation > Open dialog > Load
Motion > XML Animation dialog > Click Yes.
This rollout provides controls for automatically
mapping animation tracks and for filtering tracks
to reduce clutter.
Inter face
Map Nodes group
These controls let you perform automatic mapping
by name or hierarchical order. Mapping is done
first by no de (object) name, and then within each
node’s hierarchy by controller (track) name.
The default method of automatic mapping is
Exact Name for both nodes and controller.
When you first open the Map Animation dialog,
any node/controller pairs whose names match
exactly are automatically mapped. To change the
mapping, remove any existing assig nments in the
Mapped list (highlig ht them and then click t he ->
button), and then choose an alternate met hod.
Exact NameThis maps node to node, by name.
If the names do not match exactly, the t racks will
not map, and the status line will report how many
nodes did not map
Closest Na me—Finds a match in the object names,
and u ses the C ontroller options (described below)
to confirm the match.
For example, if the incoming is RToe01and the
choice in the Current list is between Right Index
Toe and RToeHelper,itwilllookatthecontroller
structure and compare by name, or type or order,
and try to determine which node is the closest to
the incoming. When the choice is close like this,
the st atus line reports that there was another close
match, and highlight the close, but unmapped,
nodes in the incoming list in red.
Hiera rchy—This option turns off the above
options. It matches by node order; for example,
Bone01>Bone02>Bone03 would map to
Leg>Calf>Foot, if Controller is set to Order and
the leg is mapped to Bone01.TheHierarchyoption
ignores the names.
Controller—Determines how automatic mapping
is pe rformed within nodes:
Exact Name—(The default.) Matches controllers
by na me, regardless of order. This applies
specifically to lists, mor ph channels, maps,
custom attributes, and any other tracks that are
listed by a user-defined name that mig ht b e
reordered for some reason.
Order This maps by controller order only,
regardless of name or type, and it turns the
first controller in a list to the first controller in
a l ist. If necessary, it ba kes the animation by
creat ing per-frame keys.