Asset Browser Utility 509
Browse menu
Allows you to refresh thumbnails and Web pages,
to move forward and backward between recently
viewed Web pages, to return to your home page,
and to stop loading a Web page.
Refresh—For a Thumbnail pane, rereads the
directory and redraws the th umbnails. For a Web
pane, rereads the URL and redisplays the Web
Forward—For a Web pane, displays a Web page
you viewed before clicking the Back button.
BackReturns to the last Web p age viewed in the
Web pane.
Home—Returns to the local copy of the home page
that is installed on your computer system. This
Asset Browser.
StopStops lo ading a Web page. Use this button
when a page yo u’re trying to view takes too long
to load.
B ack to pr evi ous pa ge—Returns to the last
Web p a g e v iewe d in t h e Web p a n e.
Forward to next pageDisplays a Web page
you viewed before clicking Back to previous page.
StopStops loading a Web page. Use this
button when a page youre trying to view takes too
long to load.
Refresh contentFor a Thumbnail pane,
rereads the directory and redraws the thumbnails.
For a Web pane, rereads the URL and redisplays
the Web page.
Homepage—Returns to local copy of the
computer system. This is the page that displays
when you first start the Asset Browser.
Add to Favorites B ar—Displays the Favorite
Location dialog that allows you to add Web sites
and path names to the Favorites menu and the
Favorites bar. When you want to open that page
or view the files from a path name, you can click
the appropriate shortcut button from the Favorites
Favorites menu
Addres s—Displays the current path name or URL.
Clicking the history arrow at the right end of the
address bar displays a l ist of recently viewed sites.
You can select one of these to return to that site.
Favorites Bar
The Favorites bar is at the bottom of the Asset
Browser window. It displays tabbed buttons for the
startup page and for any shortcuts to directories
and Web pages that you added to your favorites
list. R ight-clicking over a favorites tab that you’ve
added displays a menu that you can use to modify
(page 3–516) or delete the fa vorites.
Startup—Returns to the directory or Web page
where the Asset Browser started in the current
Status Bar
bottom of the Asset Browser window. The bar
is divided into three sections. The first section
displays a progress meter when the program lo ads
thumbnails. The second section displays the
current filter selection (such as "All in cache").
The third sect ion displays messages, file names,
or Web page shortcut labels when you move your
cursor over such items.