Importing VRML Files 591
Co mpress numbers
When on, trailing zeroes are
eliminated from decimal fractions. This makes
the exported file smaller without sacr i ficing any
precision, but can cause compatibility issues when
importing with certain programs. If you’re unable
and export again.
VRML Files
Impor ting V RML Files
File menu > Import > Select File To Import dialog > Files
Of Type > VR M L (*.WRL, *.WRZ)
You can import VRML 1.0, VRBL, and VRML
2.0/VRML 97 files into 3ds Max. 3ds Max imports
geometry, materials (including diffuse texture
maps), lights, perspect ive cameras and view points,
transformations, and grouping nodes created by
other VRML tools. Once they are in the scene file,
you can edit, mod ify, and animate these objects.
3ds Max also imports basic transform animations,
such as position, rotation, and sca le. Also included
are animated color and light. These correspond to
the basic animation that is exported by t he VRML
1.0/VRBL and VRML97 exporters. Helper objects
are not created upon i mport. Lighting effects are
somewhat simplified from the full VRML lighting
VRML97 files dont indicate the duration of
an animation. If you import animation from
More elaborate forms of animation
and simulation, including Script nodes,
MovieTexture nodes, and sensor nodes, are not
The VRML 1.0 WWW Inline works only if the
URL refers to a local file residing in the same
folder as the .WRL file. Internet URLs are not
Interfa ce
Reset Scene—Deletes any existing scene upon
import. If you turn off this option, the imported
Turn to 3DS Coordinat es—Rotates the imported
VRML world from Y, which is "up" in VRML,
to Z, which is "up" in 3ds Max. If you turn off
imported without change.
Create Primitives—C onverts the VRML
Box/Cube, Cone, Cylinder, and Sphere nodes to
corresponding 3ds Max primitives, if possible. If
the V RML object has a texture on it, or if only
triangular mesh object will be created i nstead.
If you turn off this option, 3ds Max will convert
these objects to t riangular mesh objects.
Expor ting to V RML97
File menu > Export > Sele ct File To Expor t dialog > Save
As Type > VRML97 (*.WRL)
3ds Max scenes can be exported to VRML97 file
See also
VRML97 Export (page 3–594)