622 Chapter 20: Managing Scenes and Projects
first movies to employ OpenEXR were
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,
Signs. Since then, OpenEXR has become
ILM’s main image file format.
OpenEXR’s features include:
precision than existing 8- and 10-bit
image file formats.
Support for 16-bit floating-point,
32-bit floating-point, and 32-bit
integer pixels. The 16-bit
floating-point format, called "half,"
is compatible with the half data type
in NVIDIA’s Cg graphics language
and is supported natively on their
new GeForce FX and Quadro FX 3D
graphics solutions.
Multiple lossless image compression
algorithms. Some of the included
codecs can achieve 2:1 lossles s
compression ratios on images with
film grain.
Extensibility. New compression
codecs and image ty pes can easily
be added by extending the C++
classes i ncluded in the OpenEXR
software distribution. New image
attributes (str i ngs, vectors, integers,
etc.) can be added to OpenEXR image
headers without affecting backward
compatibility with existing OpenEXR
the “standard” OpenEXR format, taking advantage
of the flexibility of the format itself. It can write
data in formats that many OpenEXR file importers
cannot understand, due to implementation limits
as well as lim its to the current set of standards.
The full-latitude 32-bit floating point RGBA files
that the output function can write is one example.
While the OpenEXR API itself fully supports this
capability, and these files are written using the
standard set of OpenEXR libraries, most software
only reads the 16-bit “half floating point RGBA
files that are considered standard EXR files.
Configuration File Usage
Most bitmap I/O plug-ins, including those
integrated into 3ds Max, store their configuration
information in a binary CFG file that cannot
be edited. To allow external scr ipting support
as well as ordinary preferences, the OpenEXR
software uses a standard INI file format to store its
configuration data. The file is named openexr.ini
and is found in the plugcfg folder in the program
directory. The file is generated automatically the
first time you edit the OpenEXR configuration
settings, and is updated each time you modify an
EXR loader. It is a standard text file and can be
modified with any text editor.
When the INI file is written, it automatica lly
generates a companion “help text file named
ranges for various INI settings, as well as the
various text strings used to specify compression
type a nd bit depth. This file is just a guide; editing
it has no effect, and it is overwritten whenever the
INI file is updated.
To restore the default sett ings af ter editing the INI
file, s imply delete the openexr.ini file and a new
one with t he orig inal defaults will be generated the
next time you edit the configuration settings.
See also
Saving OpenEXR Files (page 3–623)
Opening O penEXR Files (page 3–626)