Starting 3ds Max from the Command Line 671
Parameter C ollector
Parameter Editor
Render to Texture
Rigid Body Prop erty editor
The one exception is Particle View, which is
toggled by its keyboard shortcut (
6 ), but is not
Starting 3ds Max from the
Command Line
You can start the program from the command line
in a Command Prompt window, or include the
command line in a batch file. There are a number
of switches that you can use on the command line.
To start 3ds Max from the command line:
Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Change directory to the 3ds Max root director y,
if this directory is not in your PATH statement.
3. Type 3dsma x to start the program. Optionally,
add a command-line switch (see below).
Command-Li ne S witches
You can use the following s witches after 3ds ma x
on the command line.
Switch Effect
-c othercui
Starts program using othercui.cui instead of
Switch Effect
-d Causes Track V iew to use a double-buffered
display, which is smoother than the
single-buffered display but uses more system
Makes background white (instead of gray) in
the following dialogs: Track View, RAM Player,
Video Post, Loft, and Falloff Cur ve. Usef ul
for screen captures when using a display
mode less than 24 bits deep, for avoiding
background patterns.
-h Allows choice of graphics drivers: Software,
Open GL, Direct3D, and Custom.
-i otherfile
Starts program using otherfile.ini instead of
-l Loads the last .max file automatically.
Open maximized.
Open minimized.
Disables network mode.
-p otherfile
Starts program using otherfile.ini instead of
Starts program "quietly," without the splash
Starts program in server mode.
Opens utility.
Loads a display driver. See det ails following,
under "Using the
Direct3D you w ill use with this switch.
Writes version number to file. See details
following, u nder "Using the
Starts the program and opens a file called
A sp ace must separate the program executable
name and the command-line switch.
3dsm ax l
3dsm ax
3dsmax anyscene