66 Chapter 17: Rendering
Large image with no iterations h as areas of uneven
Inset images: Af ter a number of iterations, the uneven areas
have been corrected.
Ref ine I ter ations (Selected Obj ects)—Sets the
number of Refine iterations to perform for selected
objects, using the same method as Refine Iterations
(All Objects). Make an object selection and then
set the number of iterations you require. Refining
selected objects rather than the entire scene can
save a lot of processing time. Typically, this option
is useful for objects that have a lot of sm all surfaces
and show a lot of variance, such as railings or
chairs or highly subdivided walls.
Note: After 3ds Max processes Refine Iterations,
Initial Quality is disabled and you can’t change it
until you click Reset or Reset Al l.
Process R efine I tera tions S tored i n Obj ects—Each
Iterations. Each time you refine an object selection,
the number of steps stored with these objects is
When you reset the radiosity solution and then
automatically, provided this toggle is turned on.
This is useful whe n you are creating animations,
when the radiosity needs to be processed at e very
frame, and the same level of quality between
frames has to be maintained.
Update Da ta W hen R equir ed on St art When
recalculated if the solution is invalidated. In this
case, the Start menu changes to read Up d ate &
Start. When this is pressed, the radiosity solution
is reset and the calculation starts over again.
When thi s toggle is off, the radiosity solution does
not need to be reset if it is invalidated. You can
continue processing your scene with the invalid
Note: The r adiosity solution is invalidated any time
an object or light is added, removed, moved, or
altered in any way.
Interactive Tools group
The options in this group help you adjust the
and in the rendered output. These controls
take effect immediately on an existing radiosity
sol ution and do not require an y additional
processing for you to see their effects.
Indirect Light Filtering—Reduces the amount of
noise between surface elements by averaging
the indirect lighting levels with the surrounding
elements. A value of 3 or 4 is usually sufficient.
If you use too h igh a value, you r isk losing detail
in the scene. Because Indirect Light Filtering is
interactive, you can readily eva luate the result and
adjust it as you need.
Direct Light Filtering—Reduces the amount of noise
between surface elements by averaging the direct
lighting levels with the surrounding elements. A
value of 3 or 4 is usually sufficient. If you use too
high a value, you risk losing detail in the scene.
Direct Light Filtering is interactive, so you can
readily evaluate the result and adjust it as you need.