Visual MAXScript Utility (See MAXScript Reference) 783
pane onto a toolbar to make a button that does the
sequence of events ju st recorded.
For detailed information about the MAXScript
utility, consult the MAXScript Reference,available
from Help menu > MAXScript Reference.
V isual MAXScript Utility (See
MA XS cr i pt R efer ence)
Utilities panel > Utilities rollout > More bu tto n > Visual
Visual MAXScript is a powerful interface to
the 3ds Max scripting language, making the
MAXScript feature easier to learn and use. With
Visual MAXScript, you can quickly create UI
elements and layouts for scripting.
For detailed information about Visual MAXScript,
open the MAXScript Reference,availablefrom
Help menu > MAXScript Reference.
MAXScr ipt Debugger Dialog
MAXScript menu > Debugger Dialog
MAXScript Listener > Debugger menu > Debugger Dialog
MAXScript Editor > Debugger menu > Debugger Dialog
The MAXScript debugger implements the first
half of a script development and debugging
environment. It allows the main thread of 3ds Max
to be suspended, the values of global and local
variables to be examined and altered while the
thread is not running, MAXScript commands
to be executed from a command line, and the
execution to be suspended using method calls
from inside the MAXScript code. The debugger
also lets you stop or continue the execution of the
suspended code.
For detailed information about the MAXScript
debugger, consult the MAXScript Reference,
available from Help menu > MAXScript Reference.
R unning S cr ipts f rom the
Command Line
3ds Max a llows you to enter MAXScript
commands directly on the command line. When
you launch 3ds Max f rom a D OS command line,
you ca n have it run a specified launch script.
This can be usefu l for tasks such as unattended
batch-rendering. This c apability uses the existing
-U command l ine switch that names a utility to be
run when 3ds Max is started. The -U switch allows
an optional extra argument which, for MAXScript,
The case (capitalization) of MAXScript must b e as
CD to the program directory):
See the online User Reference to view this code
This example command line would launch
the 3ds Max executable in c:\Program
Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\,startMAXScript,and
then have it run the launch script rendercams.ms.
The following example launch script loads two
scenes, renders fr ames from each of the c amer as
in them, and then quits 3ds Max:
See the online User Reference to view this code
to exit 3ds Max when the script is fin ished.
example, but may b e used to condition 3ds Max
for interactive use, for example by loading a scene
file and setting some user-interface options.
The normal startup scripts, startup.ms and those
in the \scripts\startup directory, are run before the