MAXScript Preferences 835
MAXScript supports a limited form of variables.
You declare that a particular global is persistent
restored from scene files as they are opened
and closed. In this way you can, for example,
keep direct references to objects in the scene in
variable s. Those references will move across scene
save and reload.
MAXScript W indows group
Font—Choose a font for the MAXScript editor
Font size Choose a font size for the MAXScript
Auto Open L istener On Out put—Opens the Listener
if a script sends output to a WindowStream value
with no associated window. This would require a
MAXScript extension.
Runtime grou p
Use Fast Node Name Lookup When on,
MAXScript indexes scene node names in a cache,
resulting in significantly faster resolution of
non-wildcard p athname values (for example,
$box01) to no de values. When off, the scene nodes
are enumerated as MAXScript looks for a scene
node name that matches the p athname, resulting
in slower lo okups.
Turn this off if you encounter an incompatibility
with an existing script.
Memory group
Initial Heap Allocation (Mbytes)Sets the initial
heap allocation.
MAXScript carves its own working memor y
(called a heap) out of the memory that the software
allocates. You can add to the heap at any time by
increasing the value here.
Macro Recorder Group
Enable M acro R ecorder—Enables the Macro
3ds Max starts with the macro recorder disabled
and a minimized Macro-Recorder pane in the
MAXScript listener window.
You can also enable the Macro Recorder by tur ning
on M AXScr ipt > Macro Recorder or by turning
on Enable in the Macro Recorder menu on the
MAXScript Listener toolbar.
This state is stored in the 3dsmax.ini file. Turning
it on once keeps it enabled across restarts of the
Code Filters group
Command Panel Switchings—Displays command
panel switchings in the code.
Tool Selections—Displays tool selection i n t he
Menu Item Selections—Displays menu selection in
the code.
Code Generation group
The Code Generation parameters refer to whether
or not the script emitted is made selection-relative,
making the script selection-relative, you can apply
the recorded script to a different selection, thereby
making it more general. Absolute mode always
Explicit Scene Object Names—Uses scene object
names in the code.
Selection-relative Scene Object Names—Makes
Scene Object Names relative in the code.
Explicit Sub-object S ets—Uses explicit sub-object
sets in the code.