950 Glossary
A global event is the only event that can be
wired to another event without using a test (page
3–1021). I t’s almost always wired directly to a birth
event (page 3–916).
Impor tant: When you use an operator globally, be sure
not to use the same operator locally (that is, in any other
events in the system) to avoid potential conflic ts.
Gl obal M oti on Clip Contr oller
In crowd animation (page 2–1154),acontroller
that cont ains the animation necessary to animate a
non-bipedal crowd of objects. It consists of a list of
motion clips and the logic needed to instance and
blend these motion clips for a crowd animation.
The Global Motion Clip Con troller is accessed via
the Crowd helper object (page 2–1187).
Glossiness and Specular Level
Extremes of the Glossiness and S pecular Level settings (Phong
Top sphere: Glossiness=100; Specular Level=100
Left sphere: Glossiness=50; Sp ecular Level=50
Right sphere: Glossiness=0; Specular Level=0
A material’s glossiness (or dullness) depends on
the size and intensit y of its specular highlight. In
the Material Editor, the Glossiness spinner affects
spinner affects the i ntensit y of the glossiness.
When the Specular Level is too high, and
Glossiness is too low, you can get harsh backlig hts
on your surfaces. The Soften option mitigates this.
Grav Accel
In footstep animation (page 3–943), the GravAccel
(for gravitational acceleration) parameter lets you
scale the height of airb or ne periods. The greater
this value, the greater the height. If the biped
appears to be going too high, reduce this value;
if the biped goes too low, increase it. Each biped
has its own Gravitational Acceleration value. The
default is based on the height of the biped.
For example, if the active unit (page 3–848) is
feet and the biped is 5 feet 10 inches tall, then
Gravitational Acceleration equals 32, for 32 ft.
per second per second. For other biped heights,
3ds Max scales this va lue to fit the scene. The
Gravitational Acceleration value also changes to
agree with other unit systems, such as metric.
GravAccel is located on the Dynamics &
Adaptation rollout (page 2–980).
Grav ity
In footstep animation (page 3–943), character
studio calculates the effect of gr avit y for those
perio ds when a biped (page 2–843) is airborne
(a biped becomes airborne when it moves with
a running or jumping gait). You can use the
GravAccel (page 3–950) sett ing to scale the effect
of gravity.