982 Chapter 9: Surface Modelin g
A complex patch (on right) no longer deforms a bitmap
The two leftmost patches show Linear patch
curved projection where the vectors are used in
UVW space projection. Notice the bottom right
represents the UVW space and notice how the
handles and knots contribute to the shape of the
UVW space.
In short, leave the Linear option off for predictable
planar maps. Leave the linear mapping option on
for backward compatibility.
Note: The Unw rap UVW modifier now suppor ts
the new patch curve mapping. Spline handles can
be manipulated in the Edit d ialog in the Unwr ap
UVW modifier.
Inter face
Selection rollout
For information on the controls in this rollout, see
Selection Rollout (Editable Patch) (page 1–971).
Soft Sele ction rollout
See Soft Selection Rollout (page 1–963) for
Geom etry rollout
See Geometry Rollout (Patch) (page 1–986) for
detailed descriptions of these controls.