Editable Mesh (Edge) 1007
to control this, select only those edges that wil l
result in a sing le spline, and p er form Create
of shapes. Finally, use Attach in the E ditable
Spline to combine the shapes into one.
Top: Original object
Bottom: O bj ect w ith e dges selec t ed
Top: Selected edges removed from original object
Bottom: Unwanted edges removed
Interfa ce
Selec tion rollo ut
See Editable Mesh (page 1–998) for information on
the Selection rollout settings.
Soft Selection rollout
Soft Selection controls affect the action of
sub-object Mov e, Rotate, and Scale functions.
When these are on, the software applies a
spline curve deformation to unselected vert ices
surrounding the transformed selected sub-object.
This prov ides a magnet-like effect with a sphere of
influence around the transformation.
For more information, see Soft Selection Rollout
(page 1–963).