Edit Geometry Rollout (Mesh) 1015
If you drag one or more selected vertices or edges,
all selected sub-objects are chamfered identically.
If you drag an unselected vertex or edge, any
selected sub-objects are first deselected.
A chamfer "chops off" the selected sub-objects,
creating a new face connecting new points on all
visible edges leading to the original sub-object.
Chamfer Amount specifies the exact distance f rom
the original vertex along each of these edges. New
chamfer faces are created with the material ID of
one of the neighboring faces (pick ed at random)
and a smoothing group that is an intersection of al l
neighboring smoothing groups.
For example, if you chamfer one corner of a
box, the single corner vertex is replaced by three
vertices moving along the three visible e dges that
lead to the corner. The software rearranges and
splits the adjacent f aces to use these three new
ver tices, and creates a new tr iangle at the corner.
Chamf e r A mo unt Adjust this spinner (to the
right of the Chamfer button) to apply a chamfer
effect to selected vertices.
Norma l (Edge a nd Face/Polygon/Element levels
only )—
Determines how a selection of more
to Group (the default), extrusion takes place
along the averaged normal of each continuous
group ( line) of ed ges. If you extrude multiples
of such groups, each group mov es along its own
averaged normal. If you set Normal to Local,
extrusion takes place along each selected edge’s
Beveling, available only at the Face/Polygon/
Element levels, is a second step to extrusion: it lets
you scale the faces you have just extruded.
Tip: AsimilaroperationisInset,whichEditable
Poly has but Editable Mesh doesn’t. When you
inset a polygon, you create another, smaller
polygon of the same proportions inside the
borders of an original polygon, in the plane of the
original. Essentially, it’s a bevel with no height.
following procedure:
1. Select the polygon to inset.
2. Right-click the spinner all the way to the right
of the Extrude button. This performs an
extru sion with no height, thus creating a new
position as the orig inal.
3. Set a negative Bevel value using the numeric
field or the spinner. This insets the new polygon
created by the extrusion without changing its
Chamfer box showing ex t ruded face