Editable Poly (Polygon/Element) 1049
elements that are to be deleted. Click Yes to delete
them; click No to retain them.
Insert Vertex—Lets you subdivide polygons
manually. Applies to polygons, even if at the
element sub-object level.
After turning on Insert Vertex, click a polygon to
add a vertex at that location. You can continue
subdividing polygons as long as the command is
To stop inserting vertices, ri ght-click in the
viewport, or click Insert Vertex again to turn it off.
Note: In previous versions of the software, this
command was called Divide.
Extrude—Lets you perform manual extrusion via
direct manipulation in the viewport. Click this
button, and then drag vertically on any polygon
to extrude it.
and creates new polygons that form the sides of the
extrusion, connecting the selection to the object.
Follow ing are impor tant aspects of polygon
When over a selected polygon, the mouse
cursor changes to an Extrude cursor.
Drag vertically to specify the extent of the
extrusion, and horizontally to set the s ize of the
With multiple polygons selected, dr agging on
any one extrudes all selected polygons equally.
You can dr ag other polygons in turn to extrude
them while the Extrude button is active. Click
Extrude again or ri ght-click in the active
viewport to end the operation.
Chamfer box showing e xtruded polygon
Ex trude S ettings—Opens the Extr ude Faces
dialog (page 1–1072),whichletsyouperform
extrusion via i nteractive manipulation.
If you click this button after performing an
current selection as a preview and the dialog opens
with Extrusion Height set to the amount of the last
manual extrusion.
OutlineLets you increase or decrease the
outside edge of each contiguous group of selected
Outline is often used after an extrusion or bevel to
the polygons; only changes the size of the outer
edge. For example, in the follow i ng illustration,
note that the sizes of the inner polygons remain
constan t.