Normal Projected Curve 1169
Inter face
Iso Curve rollout (creation time)
Positi on—Sets the iso curve’s p osition along the U
or V axis of the surface.
This parameter is animatable.
Trim Controls group
Trim—When on, trims the surface against the iso
cur ve.
Flip Trim—When on, flips the direction of the trim.
Iso Curve rollout (mo d ification time)
Positi on—Sets the iso curve’s p osition along the U
or V axis of the surface.
This parameter is animatable.
Trim Controls grou p
Tri mWhen on, trims the surface against the iso
Flip Trim—When on, flips the direction of the trim.
ReplaceBaseSurfaceLets you replace the parent
surface. Click the button, then click the new
Nor mal Pr ojected Curve
Select N U RBS object. > Modify panel > Create Curves
rollout > Dependent Cur ves group box > Nor mal Proj.
Select NURBS object. > Modify panel > NURBS toolbox >
Create Normal Projected Curve button
A normal projected curve lies on a surface. It is
based on an orig inal curve, which is projected
onto the surface in the direction of the surfaces
You can use norma l projected curves for tr imming
(page 1–1080).
If the projection intersects the surface in two or
more locations, the intersection closest to the seed