UV Loft Surface 1203
Remove—Removes a curve from the U list or V list.
Display While CreatingWhen on, the UV loft
the loft can be created more quickly. Default=off.
Flip Normals—Reverses the direction of the UV
loft’s normals.
UV Loft Surface rollout (modification time)
U Cur ves a nd V Cur v es—These lists show the names
of the curves you click, in the order you click them.
Viewpor ts display the selected curve in blue.
The two buttons above and the four below each list
are identical for both lists.
Arr ow B uttonsUsethesetochangetheorderof
the selection up or down.
Insert—Adds a curve to the U list or V list. Click
to turn on Insert, then click the curve. The curve
is inserted before the selected cur ve. To insert a
marker in the list.
Remove—Removes a curve from the U list or V list.
RefineRefines the UV loft surface. Click to turn
on Refine, then click an iso curve on the surface.
(As you drag the mouse over the surface, the
available curves a re highlighted.) The curve you
click is converted to a C V c urve and inserted into
the loft and the U Curves or V Curves list. As when
you refine a point curve, refining a UV loft can
change the curvature of the surface slightly. Once
youve refined the surface by adding a U curve or
Replace—Lets you replace the selec ted curve.
Select a curve in the list, click this button, then
select the new cu rve.
Display Iso Curv es—When set, the UV loft ’s iso
curves are displayed as well as the U-axis and
V-axis curves used to constr uct the loft. The iso
curves are only for display. You can’t use them for
surface construction.
Edit Curves—Lets you edit the currently selected
curve without switching to another sub-object
level. ClicktoturnonEditCurve. Thepoints