Show Statistics 1253
a complex object as simple geometry when the
object is at a distance from the camera.
Show Statistics (page 1–1253)
Level of Detail Utility (page 1–1253)
Show Statistics
Right-click a viewport lab e l. > Show Statistics
Keyboard > 7
You can quickly access various st atist ics related to
your current selection and entire scene.
Note: These statistics are relevant primarily to mesh
and poly objects. Some statistics information
might be unavailable with certain other t ypes of
To use the viewpor t statistics display:
Customize the statistics display on the
Customize menu > Viewport Configuration
dialog > Statistics panel.
2. Activate the viewport in which to display
3. Toggle the statistics display by pressing 7 or
right-clicking the viewport label and choosing
Show Statistics.
Inter face
You can customize the viewport statistics by
turning on and off options on the Statistics (page
3–861) panel of the Viewpor t Configuration
dialog. The following statistics reflect al l options
turned on.
The first column lists the statistics for the entire scene, while the
second only refers to the selected objects.
Poly s Displays the number of polygons in the
scene and selection.
Note: This is valid only for poly objects.
Tri s Displays the number of triang le faces in the
scene and selection.
Note: If you select a polygon in a poly object, this
option shows two or more triangles.
Edges Displays the number of edges in the scene
and selection.
Verts Displays the number of vertices in the
scene and selection.
FPS The f rames p er second displayed in the
view por t.
Utilities panel > Utilities rollout > More button > Utilities
dialog > Level of D etail
The Level Of Detail utility lets you construct an
object that alters its geometric complexity or level
of detail based on its size in the rendered image.
w ith different levels of detail, group them as one,
and then r un the Level Of Detail utility, which
automat ically creates a special LOD controller as
a V isibility track. The LOD controller then hides