1274 Index
copy time (Track View) 2–568
copy track ( Track View) 2–568
joint parameters 2–495
materials 2–1409, 2–1432
modifiers 2–544
patch surface 1–968
presets 3–437
splines 1–308
transform keys 2–283
CPY files 2–1263
crash recovery 1–20
at link’s joint 2–1140
at parent’s joint 2–1140
clip 2–1027, 2 –1045
envelopes 2–1111
footsteps 2–988
keys for inactive footsteps 2–865, 2–990
layer 2–974
random motion 2–1035, 2–1055
script 2–1030, 2–1048
separate tracks for biped arms 2–980
shared motion flow 2–1039, 2–1056
transition 2–1045, 2–1051
unified motion 2–1038
create assembly (assembly menu) 1–107
create assembly dialog 1–107
create biped rollout 2–844
create camer a from view 1–48
create character 1–112
create key dia log 2–284
create layer 2–326, 2–334
create material preview dialog 2–1452
create menu 1–347, 3–675
AEC objects 1–214, 1–217, 1–223, 1–232, 1–235,
1–239, 1– 243, 1–251 to 1–252, 1–256 to 1–261
cameras 2–1365 , 2–1370 to 2–1371
compound objects 1–318, 1–328, 1–331, 1–336, 1–338,
extended primitives 1–186
lights 2–1272
NURBS 1–1102 to 1–1103, 1–1106, 1–1110
particles 2–237
patch grids 1–993 to 1–995
photometric li ghts 2–1302 to 2–1305, 2–1307, 2–1309
shapes 1–262, 1–270, 1–272 to 1–274, 1–276 to 1–278,
1–281 to 1–282, 1–284 to 1–288
standard lights 2–1288 to 2–1290, 2–1292 to 2–1293,
standard primit ives 1–170
create method rollout 2–1242
create multiple footsteps 2–988, 2–992
jump 2–988, 2–997
run 2–988, 2–995
walk 2–98 8, 2–992
create new layer 3–667
create new map files 2–332
create out of range keys 2–533
create out-of-range keys utility (Track View) 2–562
create panel 1–154, 3–757
cameras 2–1365
helpers 2–2
lights 2–1272, 2–1301
space warps 2–55
systems 1–404
create position lock key 2–310
create rotation lock key 2–310
create shape (editable patch) 1–988
1-rail sweep surface 1–1204
2-rail sweep surface 1–1209
a scr ipt 2–1045
an object 1–157
animated material prev iews 2–1450
arrays 1–471
biped character 2–844
biped skin 2–1076
blend surface 1–1183
bulges 2–1094
cap surface 1–1195
chamfer curve 1–1161
circular and spiral arrays 1–489
copies 1–471
crowd system 2–1155
curve sub-objects 1–1151
custom sample object 2–1425
CV curve on surface 1–1172
CV curve sub-object 1–1153
CV surface 1–1103
CV surface sub-object 1–1179
dependent curve point 1–1220
dependent curve-curve point 1–1223
dependent curves 1–1151
dependent offset point 1–1219
dependent surface point 1–1222
dependent surface-curve point 1–1224
dependent surfaces 1–1177
editable mesh edges from shapes 1–1006
editable mesh ver tices 1–1011
extrude surface 1–1188
faces 1–1011
fillet curve 1–1164
fillet surface 1–1216
footsteps 2–863