Index 1275
footsteps automatically 2–862
freeform animations 2–886
independent surfaces from NURBS curve
objects 1–1114
individual footsteps 2–863
iso curve 1–1168
lathe surface 1–1190
linear arrays 1–487
mirror curve 1–1160
mirror surface 1–1187
models with NURBS 1–1094
multicurve trim surface 11214
multiple footsteps 2–862
multiple slices 1–1019
multisided blend surface 1–1213
normal projected curve 1–1169
NURBS curves from splines 1–1115
NURBS CV curve 1–1110
NURBS models 1–1079
NURBS point curve 1–1106
NURBS sub-objects 1–1081
NURBS surfaces 1–1101, 1–1116
objects (basics) 1–153
offset cur ve 1–1159
offset surface 1–1186
particle emitter 2–239
particle system 2–238
particles 2–143, 2–145
physique links and envelopes 2–1111
physique modifier 2–1083
point curve on surface 1–1175
point curve sub-object 1–1155
point curve with curve fit 1–1157
point sub-objects 1–1078, 1–1219
point surface 1–1102
point surface sub-object 1–1181
primitives from the keyboard 1–169
ruled surface 1–1193
shapes 1–262
skin 2–1076
sub-objects 1–1177
surface edge curve 1–1177
surface offset curve 1–1167
surface sub-objects 1–1177
surface-surface intersection curve 1–1166
tendons 2–1096
transform curve 1–1157
transform surface 1–1182
U loft surface 1–1196
UV loft surface 1–1200
vector projected curve 1–1171
creation method rollout 1–354
creation parameters 2–844
glossary 3–925
cross fade compositor (video post) 3–381
cross section editor viewp ort options 2–1141
cross sections 1–282, 1–284 to 1–288, 1–623, 1–842,
2–1108, 2 –1114, 2–1130, 2–1141, 2–1147, 3–925
and bulges 2–1096
and envelopes 2–1088
and tendons 2–1147
initialization 2–1125
parameters 2–1114
view (bulge editor) 2–1096
cross-hairs cursor 3–815
crossing selection 1–93
CrossSection modifier 1–623
behaviors 2–1159, 2–1164
creating crowd systems 2–1155
crowd object 2–1157
definition 3–925
delegate object 2–1159
keyboard shortcuts 2–1182
with bipeds 2–1172
crowd animation
and bipeds 2–118 7
ClipState dialog 2–1253
motionclip parameters dialog 2–1252
orientation behavior 2–1214
path follow b ehavior 2–1216
repel behavior 2–1218
scripted behavior 2–1220
seek behavior 2–1220
speed vary behavior 2–1222
surface arrive behavior 2–1223
surface follow behavior 2–1226
synthesis dialog 2–1246
user interface 2–1182
vector field space warp 2–1241
wall repel behavior 2–1227
wall seek behavior 2–1229
wander behavior 2–1231
working with 2–1154
crowd behaviors
path follow 2–1162
seek 2–1162
wall seek 2–1162
crowd helper object 2–1187, 3–925
crowd object
associate bipeds with delegates dialog 2–1199
behavior assignments and teams dialog 2–1200
behavior rollout 2–1211
collisions rollout 2–1240
edit multiple delegates dialog 2–1197