Index 1287
arc rotate 3–744
array 1–448
default tangent types 3–721
dolly camera/target 3–746
dolly l ight/target 3–751
field of view 3–741
flyout (g lossary) 3–943
material ID channel 2–1444
orbit/pan l ight 3–755
quick render 3–17
select and scale 1–440
selection region 1–80
timing preferences 3–815
use center 1–445
zoom extents 3–740
zoom extents all 3–737
focus plane 3–90
VRML97 helper 3–600
fog environment effect 3–282
motion flow editor 2–1041
foliage 1–210, 1–214
follow object
binding to 2–461
glossary 3–943
follow/bank utility 2–653
foot states 2–833, 2–936, 2–965, 3–943
footcandle 3–955
adaptation 2–988
animation (glossary) 3–943
animation workflow 2–856
converting to freeform 2–885
creation 2–863
edge selection 2–1000
editing 2–988
keys 2–867
leg states 2–867
timing (gait parameters) 2–861
footstep creation 2–833, 2–936, 2–988
create multiple footsteps (jump) 2–997
create multiple footsteps (run) 2–995
footstep operations 2–990
footstep extraction 2–1070
using motion-capture filtering 2– 1061
footstep keys
body horizontal 2–867
body turning/rotation 2–867
body vertical 2–867
footstep method 2–833
footstep mode 2–936, 2–988
footstep operations rollout 2–936, 2–990
footsteps 2–999
activating 2–865
airborne period 2–883
appending 2–863
bending path 2–869
convert to 2–999
creating 2–863
creating automatically 2–862
creating multiple 2–862
deleting 2–869
display 2–853
editing in time 2–869
editing placement 2–869
footstep mode dialog 2–1000
freeform period between 2–883
moving and rotating 2–869
saving 2–882
selecting in Dope Sheet mode 2–869
selecting in viewports 2–869
timing 2–869
timing gait parameters 2–861
footsteps method 3–943
force operator (par ticle flow) 2–204
force space warps
displace 2–76
drag 2–66
gravity 2–73
motor 2–61
path follow 2–71
PBomb 2–68
push 2–59
vortex 2–63
wind 2–75
forward k inematics 2–954, 3–944
and IK 2–435
manipulating hierarchies with 2–426
forward kinematics and bipeds 3–944
field-of-view button 3–741
fps 1–1253
fracture 2–770
tips 2–773
fragmentation (particle flow) 2–120
transition editor 2–1051
frame rate 2–288, 3–725, 3–944
and emit start/stop values (particle flow) 2–144
frames (snapping) 2–554
frames per second 3–861
free area light 2–1309
free camera 2–1370
free key defaults 2–956