1308 Index
objects 1–153, 2–960, 2–1282
aligning 2–8
arraying 1–484
binding 2–461
color 1–159
combining 1–338, 1–378, 1–388
copies/instances/references 1–472
creating 1–157
exporting 3–486
freezing and unfreezing 1–70
glossary 3–981
make controller unique (Track View) 2–550
modeling 1–5
modifying multiple objects 1–509
object properties 1–117
select and manipulate 2–15
select and move 1–439
select and rotate 1–439 to 1–440
selecting 1–61, 1–77
selecting by material 2–1439
techniques for cloning 1–474
using as bones 1–410
objects to bake rollout 3–158
obsolete file alert 3–390, 3–819
obstacle avoidance 2–1164
obstacle p arameters rollout 2–1242
obstacle-avoidance beha vior 3–983
odd/even 3–826
offset cur ve 1–1159
offset point 1–1219
offset surface 1–1186
offset/absolute coordinate display 3–709
oiltank (extended primitive object) 1–194
omni light 2–1295, 3–983
omnidirectional light 3–983
omniflector 2–78, 2–84 to 2–85, 3–984
on selected objects/on a ll objects 2–1075
on/off controller 2–355
once time frame 2–141
online help
usingHTMLhelpviewer 3874
online reference
introduction 3–873
searching in 3–876
usingHTMLhelpviewer 3874
only extract footsteps within tolerance 2–1070
opacity 2–1488
falloff (glossary) 3–984
mapping 2–1503
assembly 1–109
file (file menu) 3–387
from vault 3–389
group (g roup menu) 1–105
new bitmap file 2–1635
particle view dialog 2–136
script (MAXScript menu) 3–781
video post sequence 3–323
open dialog 2–942
open from vault 3–389
open physique file 2–1106
open physique file button 2–1098
open recent 3–390
OpenEXR files
format 3–621
opening 3–626
saving 3–623
OpenGL driver 3–838, 3–841
opening screen 1–17
operands 1–338, 1–378, 1–388, 3–985
operator icon 3–985
operators 2–142
birth 2–143
birth script 2–145
delete 2–146
display 2–202
empty flow 2–209
force 2–204
glossary 3–985
keep apart 2–172
mapping 2–195
material dynamic 2–191
material frequency 2–189
material static 2–187
notes 2–206
operator time frames 2–141
position icon 2–147
position object 2–148
render 2–206
rotation 2–153
scale 2–156
script 2–208
shape 2–176
shape facing 2–176
shape instance 2–178
shape mark 2–183
speed 2–159
speed by icon 2–162
speed by surface 2–167
spin 2–154
standard flow 2–209
opposite tracks 2–945
optical markers 3–985
optimizations rollout 2–1361