1312 Index
mr sky light 2–1318
mr sun light 2–1319
photometric webs 2–1326
preset lig hts 2–1302
target area light 2–1307
target linear light 2–1305
target point light 2–1303
web 2–1326
web parameters 2–1355
photometry 3–993
photon map 3–994
photon maps 3–93, 3–106
photorealistic renderer 3–38
PHY fi les 2–1098, 2–1106, 2–1263, 3–994
physical scale 3–295 to 3–297, 3–300
physique 2–834, 2–1080, 2–1083, 3–994
and changing geometry 2–1104
and FFDs 2–1104
and groups 2–1083
and other modifiers 2–1104
applying 2–1083
blending envelope display 2–1125, 2–1128
bulge angle display 2–1127
deformation spline 2–834, 2–1135
getting started with 2–1076
initializing 2–1083
joint intersections rollout 2–1140
keyboard shortcuts 2–1111
link settings rollout 2–1136
overview 2–834
reinitializing settings 2–1098
saving settings 2–1098
storing settings in PHY files 2–1098
tendon display 2–1128
user interface 2–1106
initialization 2–1123, 2–1125
physique initialization dia log 2–1083, 2–1111
physique level of detail rollout 2–1108
physique load specification dialog 2–1106, 2–1123
physique rollout 2–1106
Physique sub-objects 2–1129
PIC file format 3–613
PIC files 3–303, 3–628
pick material from object 2–1448
pick nodes dialog 2–641
pinch 2–1147
pinch bias 2–1147
ping-pong (playback direction setting) 3–723
pivot door 1–251
pivot points 2–487, 2–959
glossary 3–995
use pivot point center 1–446
using 1–509
pivot selection dialog 2–959
pivoted window 1–259
adjust pivot rollout 2–488
adjust transform rollout 2–489
adjusting 2–423
and links 2–426
resetting 2–423
pivots (IK extensions) 2–905
pixel 3–995
pixel data (rendered frame window) 3–7
place highlight 1–467, 2–1282
constraints 1–437
make edges 1–1011
make vertices 1–1011
threshold 1–719, 1–996
plane 1–185, 2–764
plane angle manipulator 2–29
planet map 2–1678
plant 2–936, 2–965, 3–995
leg state 2–867
planted key defaults 2–956
plate match 3–38
plate match/MAX R2.5 antialiasing 1–567
play selected 3–723
playback 2–853, 2–936
real-time 2–197
playback speed 2–288
animated material prev iews 2–1450
animation 3–723
preview 2–1434
colorselector(generalpreferences) 3815
glossary 3–995
plug-in manager 3–78 8
sharing over a network 3–814
system path configuration 3–814
plugin.ini file 1–17
PMAP fi le 3–995
PNG file (glossary) 3–628
point 1–1219, 2–1070
glossary 3–995
helper object 2–23
sub-object 1–1085, 1–1219
point cache modifiers 1–555, 1–758
point curve 1–1106
glossary 3–996
on surface 1–1175
sub-object 1–1155
point point 1–1219