1314 Index
priority rollout 2–1235
prism 1–205
prismatic constraint 2–754
PRJ files 3–531, 3–902
problems 3–883
problems caused by unit settings 3–891
ProBoolean 1–378
procedural maps
dent 2–1667
glossary 3–997
wood 2–1684
procedures 2– 1264
process options rollout 3–124
processing panel
mental ray 3–86
processing parameters rollout (radiosity) 3–64
ProCutter 1–388
production render 3–17
productivity 2–833
profile 2–1141
profile view 2–1114
program window 1–9
progressive morphing 1–737
project file format 3–531
project folder 3–393
project mapping projector 1–777
project workflow in 3ds Max 1–1
projected window 1–260
projection - preferences 3–821
projection holder modifier 1–778
projection modifier 1–769, 3–150
cage rollout 1–773
project mapping rollout 1–777
projection rollout 1–776
reference geometry rollout 1–772
selection check rollout 1–775
selection rollout 1–771
projection options dialog 3–165
projector light 2–1341, 3–998
project mapping 1–777
projects - managing 3–3 85
prompt line 3–699
prop bone 2–1065, 3–998
propagate materials to instances 2–1432
propagation 2–622
blocks 2–1432
instances 2–1432
materials 2–1432
sty les 2–1432
animation controllers 2–519
changing layer properties 3–666
controller (Track View) 2–560
dialog ( Track View) 2–519
file menu 3–500
of light 2–1276
particle system 2–134
rigid bo dy 2–717
viewports 3– 731
waveform controllers 2–519
properties (clips) 2–1027
motion flow 2–1045
prop erties rollout 2–815
props 2–898
using 2–898
protractor helper object 2–26
proximity test (particle flow) 2–218
ProxSensor (VRML97 helpers) 3–598
proxy object
XRef object 3–414
proxy object rollout
XRef object 3–414
PRS controller (Track View) 2–357
PRS parameters 2–303
PS files 3–612
PSD file (glossary) 3–629
pseudo alpha compositor (video post) 3–382
pseudo alpha filter (video post) 3–346
pseudo color exposure control 3–300
publish Shockwave 3–580
publishing to
3D DWF 3–555
pull 2–1147
pull bias 2–1147
pull/pinch/stretch options ( tendons) 2–1147
modifier 1–779
space warp 2–59
put material to s cene 2–1440
put to library 2–1443, 2–1455
pyramid 1–182
QOP files 3–801, 3–804
quad menu
Schematic View 3–653
quad menus 1–1082, 2–534, 3–694, 3–696, 3–7 95, 3–801
animation 3–697
hair and fur modifier 1–532
reactor 2–707
quad meshing 1–392
quad patch 1–994
animating a 2–907
quads panel (customize UI) 3–795