1322 Index
by link 2–1089, 2–1150
clip/transition 2–1027, 2–1045
multiple biped links 2–895
nearest bulge angle 2–1095, 2–1114, 2–1141
select all (edit menu) 1–87
select and link button 2–422
select and manipulate 2–15
select background image dialog 1–42
select bitmap image file dialog 2–1635
select invert (edit menu) 1–88
select keys by time ( Track View) 2–563
select layers dialog 3–438
select linked objects dialog 3–440
select none (edit menu) 1–88
select object (main toolbar) 1–77
select objects dialog 1–77
select similar 1–88
select time (Track View) 2–566
selection floater 1–79
select and move 1–439
select and non-uniform scale 1–441
select and rotate 1–439
select and scale 1–440
select and squash 1–442
select and transform buttons
move 1–439
non-uniform scale 1–441
rotate 1–439
scale flyout 1–440
squash 1–442
uniform scale 1 –441
select and uniform sca le 1–441
select behavior type dialog 2–1205
select bitmap image file dialog 2–1635
select button 2–1089
select by 1–88
color 1–88
material 2–14 39
material ID 1–303, 1–308, 1–981, 1–1009, 1–1238
name 1–77, 2–589
name (button) 1–77
name (edit menu) 1–88
select similar 1–88
smoothing group 1–981, 1–1009
time (Track View) 2–563
vertex color 1–1003
select by channel modifier 1–785
select delegates dialog 2–1205
select emitter objects dialog 2–151
select keys 2–502
select keys by time 2–533
select menu (particle view) 2–128
select menu (Schematic View) 3–643
select objects dialog 1–77
select objects in current layer 3–667
select pivot 2–959
select region
crossing 1–93
lasso 1–90
paint 1–91
window 1–92
window/crossing 1–93
select scale rotate control points 2–1114
select similar 1–88
select time (Tr ack View) 2–566
select tool (particle view) 2–128
selected deformable/rigid envelope areas 2–1130
actions, events (par ticle flow) 2–132
and blocks 3–4 60
basics 1–64
by ID 1–303, 1–308, 1–981, 1–1009
by material 2–1439
by name 1–67
by particle event 2–138
by particle ID 2–138
by region 1–65
hierarchies 2–424
mesh sub-objects 1–998
named select ion sets 1–67
objects 1–61, 1–64
open editable mesh edges 1–1011
particles 2–138
selection filters 1–68
shadow type 2–1331
shape sub-objects 1–289
successive vertices 1–297
time 2–566
with Schematic View 169
with Track View 1–69
selecting workbench tracks 2–1011, 2–1016
selection (pa rticle view) 2–128
selection center (use center f lyout) 1–447
selection commands 1–76
selection filter (main toolbar) 1–81
selection floater (tools menu) 1–79
selection list 3–718
selection lock toggle 3–707
selection region 1–80, 1–89 to 1–91
selection rollout
edit poly modifier 1–647
editable mesh 1–999
editable poly 1–1024
hair and fur modifier 1–521
selection sets 1–67, 1–81, 1–83, 1–51 1
selection statistics 1–1253