Index 1327
spiral 1–235
straight 1–239
u-type 1– 243
standard flow operator 2–209
standard helpers 2–16
compass 2–27
dummy 2–16
expose transform 2–17
exposetm 2–17
grid 2–20
point 2–23
protractor 2–26
tape 2–24
standard lig hts 2–1272, 2–1288
skylight 2–1296
standard material 2–1465
standard materials
shaders (g lossary) 3–1010
standard primitives 1–170
box 1–171
cone 1–172
cylinder 1–177
GeoSphere 1–176
plane 1–185
pyramid 1– 182
sphere 1–174
teapot 1–183
torus 1–180
tube 1–179
standard snaps 2–11
standard user gr ids 2–20
star 1–277
lens effects 3–246
starfield f ilter (video post) 3–347
start after last footstep 2–992, 2–995, 2–997
start at current frame 2–992, 2–995, 2–997
start frame
scripts 2–1048
transition editor 2–1051
start lef t 2–992, 2–995, 2–997
start position x
scripts 2–1048
start position y
scripts 2–1048
start position z
scripts 2–1048
start right 2–992, 2–995, 2–997
start rotation
scripts 2–1048
manager and server (network rendering) 3–182
network rendering 3–182
startup files 1–17
startup layout - return to 3–807
startup scr een 1–17
star tup script (glossary) 3–1015
startup scripts
path for additional 3–813
startup .ms file 1–17
state dialog 2–1207
state filters 2–965
state panel 2–1248
state transition dialog 2–1208
statistics 3–861
statistics rollout (radiosity) 3–75
status bar controls
main window 3–698, 3–701
Track View 2–588
video post 3–313
step files 2–924, 2–936
step update scripts (particle flow) 2–139
and editable patch 1–986
and editable spline 1–289
stereolithography (STL) 3–586
stick 2–1070
stick figures
transition editor 2–1051
stitch tool dialog 1–918
stitch UVWs 1–897
exporting files 3–588
importing fi l es 3–586
STL check modifier 1–834
stop animation playback 3–723
STP f iles 2–919, 2–924, 2–1263
loading 2–942
saving 2–882, 2–941
straight stair 1–239
Strauss basic parameters rollout 2–1483
render effect 3–250
strength 2–1130
stretch 2–1091, 2–1136, 2–11 47
stretch bias 2–1147
stretch modifier 1–836
stretcher 1–909
strokes 3–868
defining 3–863
preferences 3–862, 3–867
reviewing and editing strokes 3–865
viewport preferences 3–821
structure rollout 2–982, 2–984
stucco map 2–168 2
and Architectural Desktop objects 3–461