Index 1329
taper modifier 1–863
targa fi les (glossar y) 3–633, 3–997
and particles 2–218
camera 3–74 6
lights 2–1289, 2–1292, 2–1303 to 2–1305, 2–1307
target area light 2–1307
target camera 2–137 1
target distance 3–90
target linear light 2–1305
target map slot 3–150
target objects - look at controller 2–344
target point light 2–1303
TCB 2–957
controllers 2–377
glossary 3–1020
TCB (biped) 3–1019
tcb rotation
controller 2–891
teapot 1–183
cloning objects 1 –474
NURBS 1–1094
tee 1–287
teeter deformation 1–365
path for 3–813
buffer 1–95
IGES files 3–560
tendon display options dialog 2–1128
tendons 2–1076, 2–1108, 2–1111, 2–1113, 2–1147, 3–1020
adding 2–1096
adjusting 2–1147
and fixed attach points 2–1147
attach points 2–1147
attached links 2–1147
attaching to another link 2–1096
attaching to link 2–1096
boundary conditions 2–1147
creating 2–1096
cross s ections 2–1147
deleting 2–1096
inserting 2–1096
overview 2–1096
using 2–1096
workflow 2–1147
tendons sub-object 2–1128
tension/continuity/bias 2–956, 2–1135
tension/continuity/bias (glossary) 3–1020
tension/continuity/bias in biped 3–1020
terminating chains 2–471
terminators 2–437
terminolog y (inverse kinematics) 2–437
terrain 1–347
creating effects with noise modifier 1–744
glossary 3–1021
and displace sp ace warp 2–76
faces 1–1011
tessellate modifier 1–865
tessellate selection dialog 1–1077
test outputs (particle flow) 3–987
test time frames 2–141
tests (particle flow) 2–210, 3–1021
acceleration 2–233
age 2–211
circular travel 2–233
collision 2–212
collision spawn 2–215
distance from target 2–218
find target 2–218
go to rotation 2–224
scale 2–227
script 2–229
send out 2–230
size 2–227
spawn 2–230
speed 2–233
split amount 2–234
split selected 2–235
split source 2–236
time 2–211
velocity 2–233
texel 3–1021
text 1–278
baked elements 3–146
baking 3–144
rendering to 3–144, 3–146, 3–150
target map slot 3–150
texture baking - shell material 2–1600
and animated NUR BS models 1–1099
and imported mask bitmaps 3–530
and material properties 1–1149
and NURBS models 1–1099
baking 3–156
disable texture map display 3–853
pick texture option (edit UVWs dialog) 1–888
pinning 1–878
TGA files (g lossary) 3–633
thin wall refraction map 2–1703, 3–83
three-DOF limb 2–950
threshold 1–167, 1–828
adaptive control 2–1534, 2–1698