128 Chapter 4: Obj ect Properties
Inter face
User Def ined Pr oper ties—In this text box, you can
enter properties for the object, or comments about
it, that you define yourself. 3ds Max doesn’t use
these properties, but it saves them with the scene,
and they reappear whenever you view the Object
Properties dialog for the object.
R ename Obj ects Tool
Tools menu > Rename Objects
The Rename O bjects tool helps you rename several
objects at once.
Interfa ce
SelectedWhen chosen, renaming affects
cur rently selected objects.
Pick Click to display a Pick Objects To Rename
dialog to choose which objects to rename. This
dialog has the same controls as the Select Objects
dialog (page 1–78).
Base NameEnter a base name for all objects. The
toggle enables or disables this name.
Pref ix When on, lets you enter a string that will
be a prefix to the name of all renamed objects.
Remove First N DigitsWhen on, the first N
characters in the b ase name are removed from
object names. The spinner sets the v alue of N.
Suffix—When on, lets you enter a string that will
be a suffix to the name of all renamed objects.
Remove Last N Digits—When on, the last N
characters in the b ase name are removed from
object names. The spinner sets the v alue of N.
Numbered—When on, lets you number object
names incrementally.
Base Number—Thebasenumberappendedto
the n ame of the first renamed object.