134 Chapter 4: Obj ect Properties
Size group
Width—Sets the width of the spinner.
Range group
Fr o m—Sets the minimum value of the spinner.
ToSets the maximum va lue of the spinner.
Default—Sets the default value of the spinner.
Alignment group
Left/Right/CenterSets the a li gnment of the
spinner in the rollout.
Offsets X/Y Fine-tune the position of the spinner
on the horizontal and vertical axes.
Angle/Float/Integer/Percent/WorldUnits UI
Options rollout: Slider
This is a numeric value that the us er can set with a
standard 3ds Max slider.
Size group
WidthSets the width of t he slider.
Range group
Fr o m—Sets the m inimum value of the slider.
ToSets the max imum value of the slider.
Default—Sets the default value of the slider.
Alignment group
Left/Right/CenterSets the alignment of the slider
in the rollout.
Offsets X/Y—Fine-tune the position of the slider on
the horizon tal and vertical axes.
Orientation And Ticks group
Vertical—When on, the slider will b e displayed
vertically. When off, the slider is displayed
Ticks—Sets the number of ticks along the slider.
of the slider .