Custom Attributes 135
Boolean UI Options rollout: Check Box
This is a standard 3ds Max check box that the user
Size group
Width—Sets the width of the check box.
Height—Sets the height of the check box.
Alignment group
Left/Right/CenterSets the alignment of the check
box in the rollout.
Offsets X/Y—Fine-tunethepositionofthecheck
box on the horizontal and vert ical axes.
Boolean UI Options rollout: Check Button
This is a sta ndard 3ds Max check button that the
user can turn on and off by clicking it with the
Size group
WidthSets the width of the check button.
Height—Sets the height of the check button.
Alignment group
Left/Right/CenterSets the alignment of the check
button in the rollout.
Offsets X/Y—Fine-tune the position of the check
button on the horizontal and vertical axes.
Check B utton Options group
Highlight Color—Sets the color of the button when
it is pressed.
Array U I Options rollout: Drop-Down
This lets the user of the custom attribute choose
three A rray UI ty pes are the same; they differ in
how they appear on t he Custom Attr ibutes rollout.
The types are:
Drop-Down List: Only the current choice is
vi sible by default. The user clicks the field
to open the list and then clicks to choose a
different item.
ComboBox: Displays an editable field above a
list box. The user clicks to choose from t he list,
or edits the field.
ListBox: Displays a list. The user clicks the
desired item; the highlighting indicates the
current choice.