178 Chapter 5: Creating Geometry
Examples of cylinders
To create a cylinder:
Primitives > Cylinder.
2. In any viewport, drag to define the radius of the
base, then release to set the radius.
3. Move up or down to define a heig ht, either
positive or negative.
4. Click to set the height and create the cylinder.
Inter face
Creation Method rollout
Edge—Draws a cylinder f rom edge to edge. You
can change the center location by moving the
CenterDra ws a cylinder from the center out.
Parameters rollout
The defaults produce a smooth cylinder of 18 sides
with the pivot point at the center of the base. There
you don ’t plan to modify the cylinder’s shape, such
as with a Bend modifier, set Height Segments to 1
to reduce scene complexity. If you plan to modify
the ends of the cylinder, consider increasing the
Cap Segments setting.
Radius—Sets the radius of the cylinder.
Height—Sets the dimension along t he central axis.
Negative values create the c y linder below the
construction plane.
Height S egments—Sets the number of divisions
along the cylinder’s major axis.
Cap Seg ment sSets the number of concentric
divisions around the center of the cylinder’s top
and bottom.
Sides—Sets the number of sides around the
and render as tr ue circles. With Smooth off, lower
numbers create regular polygonal objects.