Editable Spline (Spline) 309
Soft Sele ction rollout
See Soft Selection Rollout (page 1–963) for
Geome try rollout
New Ver tex Type group
The radio buttons in this group let you determine
Shi f t +Clone segments or splines. If you later use
Connect Copy, vertices on the splines that connect
the original segment or spline to the new one will
This sett ing has no effect on the tangency of
vertices created using tools such as the Create Line
button, Refine, and s o on.
Linear—New vertices will have linear tangency.
Smooth—New vertices will have smooth
When this option is chosen, new vertices that
overlap are automatically welded.
Bezier—New vertices will have b ezier tangency.
B ezier Cor ner—New vertices will have bezier
corner tangency.
Cr e a te Lin e Adds more splines to the selected
spline. These lines are separate spline sub-objects;
createtheminthesamewayastheline spline (page
1–270). To exit line creation, right-click or click
to turn off Create Line.
Attach—Attaches another spline in the scene to t he
selected spline. Click the object you want to attach
to the currently selected spline object. The object
For further details, see Attach.
Reorient—Reorients the attached spline so that its
creation local coordinate system is a lig ned w ith
the creation local coordinate system of the selected
Attach Mul t.—Click this button to display the
Attach Multiple dialog, which contains a list of all
other shapes in t he scene. Select the shape s you