326 Chapter 5: Creating Geometry
An instance of the terrain object is created, with
7. Activate the Top viewport. In the Parameters
rollout > Vertex Projection Direction group,
choose Use Active Viewport, and click
Recalculate Projection.
8. IntheUpdategroup,turnonHideWrap-To
This hides the instance of the terrain so you can
clearly see the road projec ted onto it.
The Parameters rollout > Wrapper Parameters
group > Standoff Distance value sets the
the terrain along the world Z axis.
9. If necessary, adjust t he Standoff Distance to
raise or lower the road.
Inter face
Pick Wrap-To Object rollout
Object—Displays the name of the selected Wrap-To
Pick Wrap-To Object—Click this button, and then
object to wrap.
Ref erence/Copy/Move/Ins tan ceThis option lets
you spe cify how the Wrap-To o bject is transferred
to the Conform object. It can be transferred either
as a reference (page 3–1002),acopy,aninstance
(page 3–957), or it can be moved, in which case the
original is not left behind.
Parameters rollout
Cont ains all parameters for the Conform object.
Objects group
Provides a list window and two edit fields that let
you navigate the compound object and rename its
List Window—Lists the Wrapper and the Wrap-To
objects. Click to select an object in the window so
that you can access it in the Modifier stack.
Wrapper NameLets you rename t he wrapper
object within the compound C onform object.
Wrap-To Object NameLets you rename the
Wrap-To o bject.
Vertex Projection Direction group