Boolean Compound Object 339
from an earlier version of 3ds Max, the Modify
You can layer Booleans in the stack display, so that
a single object can incorporate many Booleans. By
navigating through the stack display, it’s possible
to revisit the components of each Boolean and
make changes to them.
Subtraction: A-B (above); B-A (below )
Union (above); Intersection (below)
B o ol ea ns wit h Obj ect s T h at Hav e
Mater ial s A ssigned to T hem
Most primitives use several material IDs (page
3–969) ontheirsurfaces. Forexample,abox
uses material IDs 1–6 on its sides. If you assign a
Multi/Sub-Object mate rial (page 2–1594) with six
sub-materials, 3ds Max assigns one to each side. If
you assign a multi/sub-object material with two
sub-materials, 3ds Max assigns the first material
to sides 1, 3, and 5, and the second goes to sides
2, 4, and 6.
When you create a Boolean from objects that have
materials assigned to them, 3ds Max combines the