342 Chapter 5: Creating Geometry
On the Modify panel, choose Operand B from
the Parameters rollout > Operands list. If you
want to see operand B, choose Display/Update
rollout > Display group > Operands or Result
+ Hidden Ops.
Cylinder’s parameters you can now access them
in the modi fier stack display.
6. If you want to modify the sphere’s para meters,
choose the box in the Operands list.
7. Now there are two entries labeled Boolean in
the stack display. Choose the lower entry. The
Sphere is displayed in the Operands list.
8. Choose the Sphere from the Operands list. T he
sphere’s parameters are available by clicking the
sphere’s name in the modifier stack display.
9. Use this technique to change parameters or
You can also navigate multiple Booleans through
Track View. Clicking the operand in Track View
gives you direct access to its entry in the modifier
stack display. In complex objects with man y
Bo oleans, this is an easier method than the one
outlined above.
Inter face
Pick Boolea n rollout
When you select operand B, you designate it
as a Reference, Move (the object itself), Copy,
or Instance, according to your choice in the
Pick Boolean rollout for Boolean objects. Base
geometry after you create the Boolean.
Because you u sual ly create Bo olean objects from
overlapping objects, if t he B object isn’t removed
(if you don t use the default Move option), it often
obstr ucts your view of the completed Boolean.
You can move the Boolean or the B object to better
see the result.
Pick Operand B Use this button to select the
second object to use to complete the Boolean
Ref erence/Copy/Move/Ins tan ce—Lets you specify
how operand B is transferred to the Boolean
object. It can be transferred either as a reference
(page 3–1002),acopy,aninstance (page 3–957),
or moved.
U se Reference to synchronize modifier-induced
changes to the original object with operand B,
but not vice-versa.
Use Copy when you want to reuse the operand
B geometry for other purposes in the scene.
Use Instance to synchronize animation of the
Boolean object with animated changes to the
original B object, and vice-versa.
Use Move (the default) if you’ve created the
operand B geometry only to create a Boolean,
Object B geometry b ecomes par t of the Boolean
object regardless of which copy method you